Training from StructureCare elevates your maintenance team’s ability to recognize parking garage deterioration, better manage your parking garage layout and handle spring or winter maintenance effectively.

Build a team that knows your structure inside and out
Even routine maintenance presents a possibility of doing damage to your parking structure. That’s why we offer training for maintenance staff and third-party contractors on typical processes — like spring or winter maintenance — to make sure everything is done properly. We can help train staff on parking garage snow removal best practices, how to apply chemicals effectively and how to identify issues well before they become expensive problems.
For our service clients, we offer this training annually. That means new and experienced maintenance personnel all get the same high-quality training from the pros in parking garage care.
Give your maintenance team the edge
We get it. Parking garage maintenance can take a lot of time and come with plenty of surprises, especially because engineering consultants and contractors don’t offer ongoing training services. But we can help everyone, from your on-site maintenance staff to third-party snow removal contractors, learn how to care for your parking structure more effectively. Our service agreement clients even receive annual training sessions free of charge.
Featured Insights
Preventive vs. Predictive Maintenance Guide for Parking Garages
Every environment. Every season. Every day. Your parking structure is constantly exposed to harsh conditions that impact its structural health. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to protect your investment with a strategic maintenance approach.
When It Comes to Parking Structure Repairs, Don’t Wait
There are many factors that may make your building’s maintenance needs different from those of the parking garage just down the street. But all garages require some level of upkeep to ensure they’re safe, functional and able to be maintained cost-effectively.
Parking Structure Deterioration Guide
A parking garage is subject to stress from the first day concrete is poured and the structure is erected. Without proper maintenance, deterioration can reduce the structure’s service life by up to one-third — and result in unplanned downtime, exposure to increased risk, unexpected maintenance and increased costs.
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