Municipal Parking Structure Services
Make a noteworthy impression with a strong, safe, and reliable place to park. A municipal parking structure can impact a visitor’s opinion and their willingness to come back to your city. At StructureCare, our team prioritizes strategies that maintain structural health and maximize the use of your parking garages.

No Surprises With Your Municipal Parking Structure Repairs
To minimize disruptions and keep your parking garage in service longer, our team pinpoints high-priority issues. Once we have a plan of action in place, we’ll provide a full picture of your project so you have more time to plan for these repairs and don’t have unexpected costs down the road.
Protect Users With Proactive Repairs & Restoration
Structural inspections and repairs are not likely your top priority but they are necessary to protect the patrons of your parking garage. Although accidents and natural disasters can happen, the majority of issues build up over a longer period of time.
StructureCare focuses on predictive maintenance to minimize cost and maximize the lifespan of your parking garage.
Repair & Maintenance That’s Simple And On Your Terms
With the traditional “design-bid-build” model, you’re working with multiple vendors including engineering firms, project managers, contractors, and consultants. Multiple vendors lead to miscommunication and elevated risk through hours of meetings and unmet deadlines.
An engineer-led design model allows StructureCare to own the entirety of the project so we’re your single-source from start to finish. We hold our team accountable to stay within budget and scope.
Explore Our Preventative Parking Garage Services
Whether your municipal parking structure is newly built or ready for restoration, our team understands structural design. For the entirety of your parking garage’s lifetime, we can help with maintenance, inspections, and training processes.
Inspections & Assessments
Our inspections and assessments, including our detailed condition assessment, field inspection, and condition review, reveal the root causes of issues.
We deliver predictive structural maintenance strategies that help you plan accurately and accomplish more — all within your budget.
We’ll help your team recognize signs of deterioration and repair so you can better manage and handle seasonal maintenance updates.
Problem? Question?
Let's solve it. And not just for today — for the long term, too.