College and University Parking Garage Maintenance Services

Your college or university sees students, faculty, and visitors every day. Provide a safe and inviting place to park with a well-maintained parking garage. Our team focuses on maintaining the structural health of your parking garage, so you can focus on the operations of your college or university.

Contact Our Team
Modern parking garage on college campus

Timing Is Everything For University Parking Garage Repairs

Your number one priority is student safety. A facet of safety is your college or university’s parking garage. Cracks, leaks, and unrepaired damages can turn into long-term problems if not addressed properly. Our StructureCare team understands the importance of budget planning and preemptive repairs to extend the lifespan of your structure.

Explore our repair services

Minor College Parking Garage Repairs

  • Routing & Sealing cracks
  • Hazard mitigation
  • Concrete spalls

Major College Parking Garage Repairs

  • Expansion joint replacement 
  • Full depth delamination
  • Joint sealant replacement

Explore Our Preventative Parking Garage Services

Whether your college or university parking garage is newly built or ready for restoration, our team understands structural design. For the entirety of your parking garage’s lifetime, we can help with maintenance, inspections, and training processes.

Inspection & Assessments

Our inspections and assessments, including our detailed condition assessment, field inspection, and condition review, reveal the root causes of issues.

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We deliver predictive structural maintenance strategies that help you plan accurately and accomplish more — all within your budget.

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We’ll help your team recognize signs of deterioration and repair so you can better manage and handle seasonal maintenance updates.

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